In Kenya 1958 - 1975
Nairobi Primary School (Clive/Twiga) 1960 - 1967
Duke of York (Elliot) 1968 - 1972
Nairobi International School 1973 - 1974
USUiEA 1974 - 1975
Currently in UK Cambridge
Parents - John and Margaret Sharman
Representatives for 7 educational book publishers (in UK) in East Africa (1958 - 1970)
John Sharman,
Nairobi University professor in Bantu Languages (1970 - 1980)
Margaret Sharman
Secretary to Neville Chittick @ Chiromo Archeology/Paleontology Dept.
Martin Sharman: b.1949 (DoYS)
Jenny Sharman: b.1966 (Loreto Convent Msongari)