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Very sad news - Brother Dave passed away with


a heart attack on Friday 19th June 2023 in Perth Australia.


Dave 1944 to 2023



Dave McFarnell practicing his golf swing

Passion for game of golf



                          Golf challenge June 2014


  Dave at christening of brother James 1962


    Dave and wife Kaye 1986 visit to England


1966 Bromley Dave and Rod

Born in Kitale 1944
St Mary's School
Mombasa School
Nicholson House, Prince of Wales School 1957 - 1963  3384
Went to England in 1963 to Physical Education College in Winchester. 
Taught for five years in London and then decided to head for Australia. 
Taught in Sydney where he played professional rugby league to supplement his income. 
In 1974 moved to Perth, Western Australia and taught physical Education for the next 28 years at the same school.
Dave married Kaye, a Western Autralian girl, also a teacher in Perth


Celebrating 70 on 27th June 2014 in Dover UK
                                                                      James, Michael, Jean and David Bromley 1964
Michael, Jean and David in Salisbury 2002


Dave sporting his new barbie

Dave with mother Stella on a visit to Perth


1962 Dave Nicholson House


1962 Dave and Charlie Shaylor - Nicholson House

                                                                                               2024 Barham Crematorium 
                                                    Dave's ashes scattered near the golf course to join his father and mother